'Internal Server Error' when setting up MFA/2FA

when I initially setup my instance I made separate admin and user accounts for myself. the admin account has 2FA setup and it works correctly.

now, after some additional config, I try to go and setup my non-admin account with token-based 2FA and get the error message above

I also made a new test account with throwaway email. logged in successfully but got the same error when attempting to enable 2FA

any assistance would be appreciated, thank you <3

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updated to 2.7.0.beta2, issue persists :neutral_face:

Internal server errors usually means something gets logged in the /logs URL. Can you check that please?


Figured it out! With thanks to this https://github.com/davidshimjs/qrcodejs/issues/52

I finally realized it always happened when the encoded string contained non-US ASCII characters (p.e. á, ñ, í…)

This issue was that my title (the one set at site.com/admin/site_settings/category/required) did indeed contain non-ASCII characters. I guess it was pulling that into the QR code when generating and it choked.

The clue was in site.com/logs and after selecting the most recent log entry, under the info tab, there was a line that read:

RQRCodeCore::QRCodeRunTimeError (code length overflow. (1787 digits > any version capacity))

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I’ve deleted my posts containing system information but one also contained my thanks to you for pointing me in the right direction. Much obliged :blush:

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Just out of curiosity, how long was the site title?

1787 digits are a lot!

I was using a font trick:


Definitely an edge case, and I’m impressed that the QR library was the only thing it broke.

Okay, so that is a like a 360 bytes long title. Makes sense it could not fit.

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