Introducing experimental admin sidebar navigation

This probably deserves more rigorous research, but I’d say something roughly like:

Very Frequently[1]


  • Users (which I’ve renamed to “People”, FWIW, because of ambiguity of Discourse site users vs. Fedora Linux users)[3]
  • Tag Group management (currently annoyingly hard to get to)
  • Theme Components (This bounces up and down depending on how inspired I am to mess with the site as a distraction from my Real Job Priorities)
  • Staff action logs [4]

Occasionally (like, monthy?)

Rarely — when something specific comes up

  • permalinks
  • trust level config[5]
  • user fields
  • watched words[6]
  • customize text
  • chat integrations
  • backups
  • API keys
  • email templates / style
  • custom emoji
  • screened emails / IPs
  • posting (actually, most of this stuff is probably very rare, once the site is up and going, but can take a lot of fiddling to get right at first)
  • files (ditto)
  • developer (when some interesting new experiment appears…)
  • other (ditto)
  • default user preferences

Initially, and then maybe like once every five years

  • required settings
  • basic setup
  • branding
  • login/auth config
  • details of username / group configuration and rules
  • legal / policy URLs
  • navigation stuff
  • email config
  • colors
  • embeddings
  • security settings
  • spam settings
  • rate limits
  • search settings
  • api settings
  • user api
  • tag settings (the config page, not the tag list)
  • dashboard (I didn’t know this existed. I am going to configure some stuff now!)

Basically Never

  • Badges config (because we haven an external integration)
  • calendar plugin config
  • rss polling (because we don’t use this currently)
  • screened URLs (because this just seems to be a report? In our case, mostly domains that were erroneously tagged as spam. can this list be edited somehow?)
  • error logs (we’re paying you for hosting for a reason, right? :slight_smile: )
  • onebox (I honestly just expect the defaults to get this right)

  1. probably daily, give or take ↩︎

  2. I know, this is another thing that I won’t let go :slight_smile: ↩︎

  3. actually, this is a lie. I would use this often, but instead I usually search for names with the general site search. possibly I need to do some self-reflection on my workflow ergonomics ↩︎

  4. “whose fault was that?” … “oh. it’s me. I’m the problem it’s me” ↩︎

  5. for example, now that Reactions can be counted as Likes… ↩︎

  6. I wish this were instead better integrated with the Automation plugin! ↩︎