Invitation issues?

When I invite people with the link an error message is generated “Sorry the page you are looking for is not found”…
I’m self hosting on a Synology NAS…

Welcome to Meta :wave:

Do you see that error after creating the link, or is that error shown when someone tries to use the link?

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In answer to your initial question… when the “invite-link” is clicked a message page is returned stating “Sorry the page you are looking for is not found”

the error is shown when someone tries to use the invite link that they receive in email…

Could you share a link?

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When I use that link I am taken to the login page

Bingo!!! I’m curious why the email uses “http” which I have configured to force https???


The emails being received don’t have https…??? did I do something wrong…?

It looks like HTTPS is setup for your site, but it is not being “enforced”. On your site settings page, search for the force https site setting. Enable that setting if it is not enabled. Unless something has changed recently, when force https is not enabled, links in emails sent from Discourse will use HTTP instead of HTTPS.


but it is per that :thinking:


Thank you… upon further checking it appears that I checked the box “force https” but failed to hit the green check afterwards!


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