IOS 12 issue with latest version

I discovered that using IOS v12 on Discourse forums it have a bug with the last version of this forum. Before it was working perfectly, now with the last version, not anymore.
The bug:
In threads that have many posts if i browse to the last post it shows but immediately jump to Last Post - 19. (ex: total posts 250 and jump to 231)
Then i can’t never go to the last post, also it never more scroll well, sometimes i scroll down and it refresh to upper posts. Also, the posts that are pinned not unpined.
I cleaned all cookies and delete all temporary files of browser without help/fix. Also I tried with safari, Opera and Chrome and all with the same bug.
Thank You!

With best regards


Hi, I’ve made your report public. Can you reproduce the bug here on Meta?


I couldn’t on my setup. But I tried using old unupdated iPad 2. So, it can still be a bug-ish, but is that a real issue? iOS is on 15.x now, and no one should use 12 anymore, it has security issues.

Thanks for posting it here.
Yes, in this forum in threads that have many post still also exist this bug.
And sorry to say it still an issue. I use an iPad Air that works perfectly well and it not update the IOS higher than 12.5.55. So its not a matter of lets update the OS, Apple not allow it…
Also, strangely i can’t use the Reply button on your forum, but in others Discourse forums recently updated works the reply on ipad air.

I have same issue on my installation

At the moment Discourse is working with iOS 14 and newer. We are investigating if we can transpile some code to make it compatible with older devices and will update here in the coming weeks.


Thank You so much and looking forward to that future updates :wink:


Is this fixed in latest beta? (2.8.0.beta11)

Uses absolute to prevent safari bug in scrolled containers

Yes it should be fixed in the latest beta, let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

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Thanks, i not fully tested, but so far so good.

But i can’t still post here, i use the reply to email…

Thank you about your help and support!

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