Discourse forum stopped loading on iOS 12

Up until this morning, the support forum for Last.fm https://support.last.fm/ was working fine on iOS12 using the Discourse app.
But this morning it started getting stuck on this screen:

There were some issues in the past, which have beem fixed:

But since this morning something has changed and it’s not possible to get past this screen

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It loaded just fine on my android phone just now. Maybe try another network? Desktop?

Edit: oh, you really meant just IOS! :person_shrugging:


I believe the OP is referring to iOS (version 12 in their case).


Thanks @tutibins - I can reproduce the problem and am looking at it now :eyes:


This will be resolved by

That fix will roll out to our hosted sites soon.

However, please note that we will be totally dropping iOS 12 support from January:


Thank you!
Yes, I will have bought a new phone by then.

Although, it’s worth mentioning that the Discourse Hub app on iOS is compatible with iOS 12, so it would be weird for it no to work on iOS 12. But I get it that it’s an old OS.


Didn’t want to creat a new thread.
Now Last.fm Support doesn’t load on desktop browser.
As you can see in the image below, I tried both on Firefox, and on Google Chrome using incognito mode.

Stuck on the loading screen.
By the way, the DiscourseHub app on iOS 12 still gets stuck on loading screen as well.

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working for me … instant even. Not sure what this has to do with iOS 12?


Worked now.

I just didn’t want to create a new thread.
Though my original issue still remains.

When trying to open any Topic, it gets stuck on the loading dots. Something isn’t working fine with this new loading script. Or maybe is some connection issue related to my geographical area?

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The fix hadn’t rolled out to that site yet. I’ve just expedited it, so it should be fixed in about 10 minutes.

What versions of these browsers are you using? Are there any errors in the developer console?

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Firefox 104.0.1 64 Bits

Sorry some things are in portuguese

I tried changing Firefox’s privacy setting to “normal” but that hasn’t solved it.

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Seems to be working now


“falha ao carregar” translates as “failed to load”. The errors after that are caused by the loading issue. So maybe some kind of Adblocker or network issue was causing issues on your computer.



Not to be a pest, but is there any chance the current iOS 12 fix can be rolled out to board.straightdope .com?


@bordelond things should be working better on Straightdope now - let us know if you’re still seeing issues.


Looks like a million now – thanks for taking care of it so quickly!


When I see the gap between all the efforts we are asked to make to save the planet and the difficulties I have in keeping a smartphone that works very well (on iOS12), but is just getting old… I tell myself that all this is not won! :thinking:

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