Is anyone working on a Discourse Wiki?

Folks, can I revive this topic? I know, it’s an old discussion but I’d like to hear the Discourse Team opinion on this.
First, I like the current wiki support by Discourse, we’re using it with satisfaction for our HowTo and FAQ, but at this stage my fellows are asking me a “real” wiki because docs are looking too fragmented and not handy to navigate. As said yet here “a wiki is something that primarily displays structured information” and I don’t want move on another yet wiki and definitely keep my docs on Discourse: account, people, badges are there yet.
I already read all the proposals on this topic:

  • Automatic wiki-mode setting of new pages/topics.
  • Default hiding of replies (just hiding them by default would be sufficient I think).
  • Automatic page creation.
  • Easy page linking.
  • Sensible URLs
  • Automatic table of contents.

How we can move forward?

Edit: interesting recent discussion