Is it possible to have a chat that is accessible (read-only) to anonymous visitors?

I was running a chat over the weekend and the turnout was pretty low. I was wondering if it would be possible to have a chat that anonymous readers (eg, not logged-in) can read but they would have to be logged in to post, I was thinking that might encourage more people to log in to participate.

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I am looking for the exact same thing if anybody can shed some light on it it would be great…

If anonymous users can participate in all the chart channels it will be great.

In case they do any spam than the moderator should be able to block or mute their anonymous IP

Cross-linking the feature request topic to join them up:

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Presumably a site could restrict (well-behaved) crawlers from accessing the chat with the robots.txt file, though I’m not sure how to update that on a Discourse hosted site. Maybe that should be a site setting.