Is it possible to pass badges as the SSO payload?

I’m using a custom SSO solution, is it possible to pass badges as the SSO payload? I couldn’t find anything in the sso guide for it.

We have a specific type of accolade we give our users on our platform, and we want that to reflect on our Discourse forum as well. It’s basically a boolean value, and I can pass it to the payload on login if that is allowed. Otherwise is it possible to make a group and if you’re part of that special group that you have a badge?

Thanks in advance!

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No, this isn’t possible. You can grant a custom badge through the API though. See Grant a custom badge through the API for details about that.

You can create a group that adds a group flair to its members’ avatars. This is how the Discourse Team flair is displayed on this forum. To automatically grant a badge, instead of an avatar flair, to members of a specific group, you could either write a badge query, or you could grant the badge through the API.


In case Simon’s idea isn’t clear, you can pass the external badge as a group and then use a custom badge query in discourse to assign a badge to members of that group. (group flair is lots easier if that’ll work for you)

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