Is old account information saved on system?

I created a discourse forum account with my real email address, by mistake as I intended to use the forum anonymously.

When I later realized this, I changed it to an anonymous email address.

I then setup a new account, fearing the old email information would remain on the old account.

Was this necessary?

If so, will merging the old account into the new one effectively delete the old account info from the old account?

Edit: To be more clear, questions are:
A) When the primary email address is changed, is the data added or overwritten?
B) When alternate email is deleted, is it permanently deleted from admin perspective?
C) If the old primary email is still accessible to an admin, will such data be added to a new account upon merge? What about upon account deletion?

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Believe is overwritten. I don’t speak for discourse this is just a guess.

With the discourse system am guessing there isn’t a log of previous e-mail maintained on an account when that is deleted/overwritten. However, to be sure with this specifically at whatever site you are talking about, would recommend that you ask an administrator there if they have a record of that or not. If they wrote that down or made a copy they will still have a record permanently unless they delete/destroy that.

You can make a request for full anonymization of a previous account and reference GDPR law, which mandates personal data be removed from databases within 30 days or so typically depending on your country if you or the site are based in the E.U.

Again still guessing but with an account merge that would combine data from both accounts.

You can request account be fully deleted but administrator has a right to maintain some data and public posts as long as that is in compliance with the GDPR policies for their country.

This seems like probably no, however if accounts are merged then you can edit out previous e-mail.