Is there a recommended way to get pgvector on RDS?

Is there a recommended way to get pgvector on RDS?

this page claims:

The pgvector extension is available on all database instances in Amazon RDS running PostgreSQL 15.2 and higher in all AWS Regions, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

But last I knew, there was some subtle problem with PG14. I think this site is running on RDS, though.

Presumably typical self-hosters won’t have this problem as the current database image has pgvector, but both of the places I wanted to try this are running other pg installs. :crying_cat_face:


We fixed it! Meta has been running PG15 for 3 months or so. (brace for the self-hosted pg upgrade soon)

But while AWS doesn’t tell you upfront, you also have pgvector on PG 13.11 in there :wink:

pgvector is available in AWS RDS, Aurora, Azure, GCP and Digital Ocean hosted PostgreSQL services, so I think this won’t be a problem.


Cool. That’s good to know. Thanks. That’ll solve one problem. The other is a self-installed postgres image that does replication. Maybe I can figure out how to use the Discourse image and get replication working with it.


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pgvector is on the Ubuntu/Debian official PostgreSQL PPAs, so after having that enabled it’s a simple apt install pgvector away in any server / image you have access to.


Sigh. Strangely the postgres:13 docker image doesn’t solve the problem with apt as suggested. It seemed like the official pg image would be a safe way to go.

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Sorry that wasn’t really strict for copy and paste, the exact command would be

apt update && apt install postgresql-${PG_MAJOR}-pgvector
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LOL. Thanks, my postgres and its replica are now updated and I installed it! Now for bug reports.


Now if memory serves me, that’s around the time you tend to deploy it to us standard install types.

Do you have a planned roll out schedule for PG15 in mind?


Yes, taking into account the last few times we should be introducing that upgrade in this or the next quarter indeed. Still, we have not started the self-hosting upgrade rollout yet.


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