Is there a way to REINVOKE the missed 'your topic is similar to..' popup?

I searched a lot, even thru google, to find any topic based/related to my query.

It has happened multiple times that in the composer window I, wishing to see the preview of what I was typing, pressed ‘Escape’ in hurry. But just before the ‘Your topics is similar to’ disappeared, I found that there was something useful in that popup.
But Alas!! It seems its gone for good for me now.

Is there a way I could re-invoke it there and then?? Presuming that it won’t be very big job/lot of coding for the programmers.

Yes, you can if you close and reopen the topic with the same title.

You can close it and save it as a draft if you have already written some text.
Reopening the draft and writing something in the title or the body will trigger the popup.


When I typed this and escaped:

Closed the composer and reopened. And to make some edit to make the suggestions reappear, deleted just one word in the title. But the originals suggestions were not found.

Even if it did, I suppose that it’d be much more productive to have a key shortcut to REINVOKE the same suggestions box immediately/within seconds, then and there, wo typing any other word!!

I.e. if its easily possible by the programmers.

E.g. if the user missed this informing pop-up in the composer window, there is no short/quick way to retrieve it:

Sure, it’s possible to bring the last result search with a theme component. I think it’s a reasonable feature.

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