Situation occurs that a topic deviates from the theme of the forum; however, this topic expresses opinions that may not be suitable for a straight-up deletion. What I’m thinking about is to unlist this topic, but the author could see the unlist icon on his topic, which may entice him into posting more irrelevant topics as a way to revenge.
To be able to unlist this topic is a way to deescalate, but the author seeing his post getting unlisted may escalate.
Is there a way to unlist the post, but without the author noticing that his post is unlisted?
I don’t think there’s a setting for this. The lowest effort option would probably be to display: none the icon in CSS & delete each auto-inserted note that the thread has been unlisted.
edit: This wouldn’t be impossible to discover by looking at the page source in the browser, but as it is immediately noticeable when the poster posts in their thread & it doesn’t appear at the top of Latest, I’m assuming we’re not trying to be massively sneaky here. They’ll almost certainly know.
That is an interesting one. I wondered if you could leverage the Mute function in some way rather than Unlisting? The only one I can come up with so far is applying a default muted tag to the topic to remove it from people’s latest list, coupled with adding that particular tag to a tag group to make it only usable and visible to staff. Though adding the tag to the topic would leave a mysterious edit pencil where the history would show no change.
Having a button in the topic wrench to ‘mute for everyone apart from OP’ might be useful though.
You’ve read my mind! I actually read your linked page before I post this topic. It’s a good idea, but at this moment it’s just the singular post that I want to get rid of. If this user persists, then yes I would like to use this feature you mentioned.