I’m trying to turn off the relative dates formatter, because posts look strange when they say things like “See you [Yesterday 6:00 PM]!”
I found the relative date duration setting, but even setting that at 5,000 or 10,000 days doesn’t seem to turn off the relative dates.
Does anyone know if there is a way to do it? If not, it isn’t a major problem, because people will figure it out — I’m just wondering if it’s possible and I’m misunderstanding the settings.
Additionally, I would highly recommend undoing that change - doing that makes relative dates for things like posts and the topic list enabled for longer. Shorter would be 1 (0 is unwise, as this entire thread would just show “6 Apr”).
But again, the date-time widget isn’t checking that. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow are special cases, and otherwise it will always use absolute dates.
The members regularly use the dates for arranging a kind of gaming match across time zones. The wording appears a little strange for 24 hours, but it’s still readable.