Is there a way to turn off relative dates?

I’m trying to turn off the relative dates formatter, because posts look strange when they say things like “See you [:globe_with_meridians:Yesterday 6:00 PM]!”

I found the relative date duration setting, but even setting that at 5,000 or 10,000 days doesn’t seem to turn off the relative dates.

Does anyone know if there is a way to do it? If not, it isn’t a major problem, because people will figure it out — I’m just wondering if it’s possible and I’m misunderstanding the settings.

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Relative dates settings apply to timestamps in the UI not for our new in-post date.


Additionally, I would highly recommend undoing that change - doing that makes relative dates for things like posts and the topic list enabled for longer. Shorter would be 1 (0 is unwise, as this entire thread would just show “6 Apr”).

But again, the date-time widget isn’t checking that. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow are special cases, and otherwise it will always use absolute dates.


Thanks. I’ve reverted it to the default (30) and will just leave it there. Users will figure it out.


You can also click / tap on, or hover your mouse over the date to get more info. Try it! 🡕


Thanks, I think users will figure it out. :slight_smile:

The members regularly use the dates for arranging a kind of gaming match across time zones. The wording appears a little strange for 24 hours, but it’s still readable.

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