Issue with API for indexing with Coveo

Hi All,
I am using the API to index the Discourse content with Coveo, there is one call that returns and error.

The following requests work:

But “page=11” fails, regardless of the per_page value:


    "errors": [
        "You supplied invalid parameters to the request: page"
    "error_type": "invalid_parameters"

Are you sure the number 11 is being used as the value of the page parameter? The only way I’ve been able to trigger the "You supplied invalid parameters to the request: page" error is to use a non numerical parameter. Even a space will trigger the error: http://localhost:4200/c/fun/6.json?per_page=30&page= 11


I don’t believe there was a space. The individual calls are generated by the Coveo REST API connector.


The Coveo REST API connector limits what I can do with the AP as far as error checking etc.
It is a JSON configuration that Coveo uses to make the API calls.

I pasted the Coveo configuration below incase anyone familiar with Coveo has a suggestion:


  "Services": [
      "Url": "",
      "Paging": {
        "OffsetStart": 0,
        "PageSize": 30,
        "OffsetType": "page",
        "Parameters": {
          "Offset": "page",
          "limit": "per_page"
      "Endpoints": [
          "Headers": {
            "api-key": "@ApiKey",
            "api-username": "system"
          "Paging": {
            "OffsetStart": 0,
            "PageSize": 30,
            "OffsetType": "page",
            "Parameters": {
              "Offset": "page",
              "limit": "per_page"
          "Path": "/categories.json",
          "ItemPath": "category_list.categories",
          "Method": "GET",
          "ItemType": "Category",
          "Uri": "%[coveo_url]/categories/%[id]",
          "ClickableUri": "%[coveo_url]/c/%[slug]",
          "Title": "%[name]",
          "Body": "%[description_text]",
          "Metadata": {
            "id": "%[id]",
            "updatedate": "%[updated_at]",
            "createdate": "%[created_at]",
            "filetype": "Category",
            "groupname": "%[name]",
            "color": "%[color]",
            "topic_count": "%[topic_count]",
            "post_count": "%[post_count]",
            "description": "%[description_text]",
            "visible": "%[visible]",
            "read_restricted": "%[read_restricted]"
          "SubItems": [
              "Headers": {
                "api-key": "@ApiKey",
                "api-username": "system"
              "Paging": {
                "OffsetStart": 0,
                "PageSize": 30,
                "OffsetType": "page",
                "Parameters": {
                  "Offset": "page",
                  "limit": "per_page"
              "Path": "/c/%[].json",
              "ItemPath": "topic_list.topics",
              "Method": "GET",
              "ItemType": "Topic",
              "Uri": "%[coveo_url]/topics/%[id]",
              "ClickableUri": "%[coveo_url]/t/%[slug]/%[id]",
              "Title": "%[title]",
              "Body": "%[excerpt]",
              "ModifiedDate": "%[last_posted_at]",
              "SubQueries": [
                  "Headers": {
                    "api-key": "@ApiKey",
                    "api-username": "<username>"
                  "Path": "/t/%[topic_id].json",
                  "Method": "GET",
                  "Metadata": {
                    "coveo_poster_names": "%[post_stream.posts[*].name]"
              "Metadata": {
                "filetype": "Topic",
                "archetype": "%[archetype]",
                "archived": "%[archived]",
                "bumped": "%[bumped]",
                "bumped_at": "%[bumped_at]",
                "category_id": "%[category_id]",
                "closed": "%[closed]",
                "created_at": "%[created_at]",
                "updatedate": "%[updated_at]",
                "createdate": "%[created_at]",
                "fancy_title": "%[fancy_title]",
                "group": "%[group]",
                "groupname": "%[coveo_parent.groupname]",
                "highest_post_number": "%[highest_post_number]",
                "topic_id": "%[id]",
                "image_url": "%[image_url]",
                "last_posted_at": "%[last_posted_at]",
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                "posters": "%[posters]",
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                "primary_group_name": "%[primary_group_name]",
                "reply_count": "%[reply_count]",
                "slug": "%[slug]",
                "title": "%[title]",
                "unseen": "%[unseen]",
                "views": "%[views]",
                "visible": "%[visible]",
                "coveo_category_name": "%[]",
                "coveo_category_description": "%[coveo_parent.description]",
                "read_restricted": "%[coveo_parent.read_restricted]"
              "SubItems": [
                  "Headers": {
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                  "Paging": {
                    "OffsetStart": 0,
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                    "Parameters": {
                      "Offset": "page",
                      "limit": "per_page"
                  "Path": "/t/%[coveo_parent.topic_id].json",
                  "ItemPath": "post_stream.posts",
                  "Method": "GET",
                  "ItemType": "Post",
                  "Uri": "%[coveo_url]/posts/%[id]",
                  "ClickableUri": "%[coveo_url]/t/%[coveo_parent.slug]/%[coveo_parent.topic_id]/%[post_number]",
                  "Title": "%[name]",
                  "Body": "%[cooked]",
                  "Metadata": {
                    "filetype": "Post",
                    "ActionsSummary": "%[actions_summary]",
                    "AvatarTemplate": "%[avatar_template]",
                    "AvgTime": "%[avg_time]",
                    "CanDelete": "%[can_delete]",
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                    "Version": "%[version]",
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                    "coveo_topic_title": "%[coveo_parent.title]",
                    "read_restricted": "%[coveo_parent.read_restricted]"