Issue with Font Family Styling on Mobile Devices

I am encountering an issue with applying font family styling to my title. The styling works correctly on desktop browsers, but when viewing the same text on a mobile device, the font family is not applied.

Could you please assist in resolving this issue?

Thank you.

Does the text on the mobile device show the family specified? E.g. monospace or sans-serif?
As in, if it doesn’t show the first font specified, does it at least show a font from the specified family?

Could it also be the fact that the font isn’t supported on the mobile device?

it display the default sans-serif font family

What is the line of CSS?
Could you send it here?

Please find the iMAGE ATTACHED

After the font name, put a comma, then put another font (the backup option), then finally put the family (sans-serif).

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