Issue with Group Membership Hiding and Loss of Titles and Flair in User Settings

I am using groups to grant users titles and flair as decorations, but when I set the group to be hidden for members, the titles and flair in the members’ user settings also disappear. Is there any way to solve this issue?

Have you set the group as the primary group?


This is not the issue. Each group has titles and flair, and users can freely set their preferred titles and flair. However, the problem is that when the group is set to be visible only to the group owner, the corresponding titles and flair disappear from the selection list.

That looks to be by design. If the Group owner is the only one able to see group. Then that is all elements of the group. Though in theory titles shouldn’t be affected imho.

Perhaps though having a setting for both flair and title being selectable in some way. I can see the issue with flair is iirc you select the group name to apply the flair. Otherwise the flair would need a unique name of it’s own separate from group.

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