We use the Discourse hosting generously provided to open source projects for discourse.nixos.org. When we send our NixOS Weekly email to Discourse, the HTML gets converted to Markdown, but the formatting seems quite off. When I look at the raw HTML of the email, it looks like it is formatted fine, and we have the Discourse setting incoming email prefer htmls
turned on (the default).
The main issues with the formatting that I see are:
- paragraphs inside LI tags are not indented
- There are missing newlines after headers
Raw email
Received: from mail-il1-x133.google.com (mail-il1-x133.google.com [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4864:20::133])
by mail-receiver-stardestroyer03.localdomain (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 7E5221613D0
for <nixos1+links@discoursemail.com>; Fri, 27 Nov 2020 16:11:19 +0000 (UTC)
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From: domen@dev.si
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2020 11:11:17 -0500
Message-ID: <CAMvcdZSt6iXGq6-f5oX6AiAPk4-1HqxuOAQO+2uG2eWCq854fw@mail.gmail.com>
Subject: NixOS Weekly #09 - NixOS Weekly
To: nixos1+links@discoursemail.com
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0000000000001d8d0105b518e9c5"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
News Announcements
- Announcing Nixpkgs Database
A database and search engine for the entire history of each package at
Nixpkgs <https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs>.
- Cachix: write access control for binary caches
The trust of who created binary cache contents comes from who owns the
private signing key.
This approach has a number of disadvantages when it comes to lifecycle in
teams, so API tokens are now the default way to manage write access.
NixOS 21.03 Call for Release Manager
nixpkgs: Python 2.7 packages are no longer built
nixpkgs: Haskell packages now follow nightly
Mach-nix now has conda packages as a backend
Running NixOS on Pinecube
Our New Nix Deployment Tool: deploy-rs
How to Setup Prometheus, Grafana and Loki on NixOS
Deploying NixOS using Terraform
Setting up i3 on Thinkpads running NixOS
How to use NixOS for lightweight integration tests
Lightweight Linux VMs on NixOS <https://www.srid.ca/2012301.html>
XMonad + Polybar on NixOS <https://gvolpe.com/blog/xmonad-polybar-nixos/>
Eight Months of NixOS <https://catgirl.ai/log/nixos-experience/>
One week of NixOS <https://jae.moe/blog/2020/11/one-week-of-nixos/>
Moving into NixOS
Automatically OCR scanned PDFs in NixOS
Annotated code showing you how to automatically create searchable scans of
all the documents you receive in the post.
Internal Tooling & SRE at NoRedInk - Nix, Haskell, k8s
DevOps Engineer (Munich or Remote)
Contribute to NixOS Weekly Newsletter
This work would not be possible without the many contributions of the
You can help too! Create or comment on the pull request
<https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-weekly/pulls> for the next edition or look
at the issue tracker <https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-weekly/issues> to add
other improvements.
Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
<li><a href="https://kamadorueda.github.io/nixpkgs-db/#/about">Announcing Nixpkgs Database</a></li>
<p>A database and search engine for the entire history of each package at <a href="https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs">Nixpkgs</a>.</p>
<li><a href="https://blog.cachix.org/posts/2020-11-09-write-access-control-for-binary-caches/">Cachix: write access control for binary caches</a></li>
<p>The trust of who created binary cache contents comes from who owns the private signing key.</p>
<p>This approach has a number of disadvantages when it comes to lifecycle in teams, so API tokens are now the default way to manage write access.</p>
<p><a href="https://discourse.nixos.org/t/21-03-call-for-release-manager/10204">NixOS 21.03 Call for Release Manager</a></p>
<p><a href="https://discourse.nixos.org/t/python-2-7-and-3-9-and-hydra-builds">nixpkgs: Python 2.7 packages are no longer built</a></p>
<p><a href="https://discourse.nixos.org/t/new-ghc-default-version-8-10-2-package-versions-now-from-stackage-nightly">nixpkgs: Haskell packages now follow nightly</a></p>
<p><a href="https://discourse.nixos.org/t/mach-nix-create-python-environments-quick-and-easy/6858/86">Mach-nix now has conda packages as a backend</a></p>
<p><a href="https://github.com/danielfullmer/pinecube-nixos">Running NixOS on Pinecube</a></p>
<p><a href="https://serokell.io/blog/deploy-rs">Our New Nix Deployment Tool: deploy-rs</a></p>
<p><a href="https://christine.website/blog/prometheus-grafana-loki-nixos-2020-11-20">How to Setup Prometheus, Grafana and Loki on NixOS</a></p>
<p><a href="https://nix.dev/tutorials/deploying-nixos-using-terraform.html">Deploying NixOS using Terraform</a></p>
<p><a href="https://www.srid.ca/i3-setup.html">Setting up i3 on Thinkpads running NixOS</a></p>
<p><a href="http://www.haskellforall.com/2020/11/how-to-use-nixos-for-lightweight.html">How to use NixOS for lightweight integration tests</a></p>
<p><a href="https://www.srid.ca/2012301.html">Lightweight Linux VMs on NixOS</a></p>
<p><a href="https://gvolpe.com/blog/xmonad-polybar-nixos/">XMonad + Polybar on NixOS</a></p>
<p><a href="https://catgirl.ai/log/nixos-experience/">Eight Months of NixOS</a></p>
<p><a href="https://jae.moe/blog/2020/11/one-week-of-nixos/">One week of NixOS</a></p>
<p><a href="https://foo-dogsquared.github.io/blog/posts/moving-into-nixos/">Moving into NixOS</a></p>
<p><a href="https://dev.to/jwoudenberg/automatically-ocr-scanned-pdfs-in-nixos-25d">Automatically OCR scanned PDFs in NixOS</a></p>
<p>Annotated code showing you how to automatically create searchable scans of all the documents you receive in the post.</p>
<p><a href="https://www.noredink.com/job_post?gh_jid=2443611">Internal Tooling & SRE at NoRedInk - Nix, Haskell, k8s</a></p>
<p><a href="https://genesis-jobs.personio.de/job/278290">DevOps Engineer (Munich or Remote)</a></p>
<h1>Contribute to NixOS Weekly Newsletter</h1>
<p>This work would not be possible without the many contributions of the community.</p>
<p>You can help too! Create or comment on the <a href="https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-weekly/pulls">pull request</a> for the next edition or look at the <a href="https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-weekly/issues">issue tracker</a> to add other improvements.</p>
Discourse-generated Markdown
# News## Announcements- [Announcing Nixpkgs Database](https://kamadorueda.github.io/nixpkgs-db/#/about)
A database and search engine for the entire history of each package at [Nixpkgs](https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs).
- [Cachix: write access control for binary caches](https://blog.cachix.org/posts/2020-11-09-write-access-control-for-binary-caches/)
The trust of who created binary cache contents comes from who owns the private signing key.
This approach has a number of disadvantages when it comes to lifecycle in teams, so API tokens are now the default way to manage write access.
- [NixOS 21.03 Call for Release Manager](https://discourse.nixos.org/t/21-03-call-for-release-manager/10204)
- [nixpkgs: Python 2.7 packages are no longer built](https://discourse.nixos.org/t/python-2-7-and-3-9-and-hydra-builds)
- [nixpkgs: Haskell packages now follow nightly](https://discourse.nixos.org/t/new-ghc-default-version-8-10-2-package-versions-now-from-stackage-nightly)
- [Mach-nix now has conda packages as a backend](https://discourse.nixos.org/t/mach-nix-create-python-environments-quick-and-easy/6858/86)
- [Running NixOS on Pinecube](https://github.com/danielfullmer/pinecube-nixos)
- [Our New Nix Deployment Tool: deploy-rs](https://serokell.io/blog/deploy-rs)
## Tutorials- [How to Setup Prometheus, Grafana and Loki on NixOS](https://christine.website/blog/prometheus-grafana-loki-nixos-2020-11-20)
- [Deploying NixOS using Terraform](https://nix.dev/tutorials/deploying-nixos-using-terraform.html)
- [Setting up i3 on Thinkpads running NixOS](https://www.srid.ca/i3-setup.html)
- [How to use NixOS for lightweight integration tests](http://www.haskellforall.com/2020/11/how-to-use-nixos-for-lightweight.html)
- [Lightweight Linux VMs on NixOS](https://www.srid.ca/2012301.html)
- [XMonad + Polybar on NixOS](https://gvolpe.com/blog/xmonad-polybar-nixos/)
## Resources- [Eight Months of NixOS](https://catgirl.ai/log/nixos-experience/)
- [One week of NixOS](https://jae.moe/blog/2020/11/one-week-of-nixos/)
- [Moving into NixOS](https://foo-dogsquared.github.io/blog/posts/moving-into-nixos/)
- [Automatically OCR scanned PDFs in NixOS](https://dev.to/jwoudenberg/automatically-ocr-scanned-pdfs-in-nixos-25d)
Annotated code showing you how to automatically create searchable scans of all the documents you receive in the post.
## Jobs- [Internal Tooling & SRE at NoRedInk - Nix, Haskell, k8s](https://www.noredink.com/job_post?gh_jid=2443611)
- [DevOps Engineer (Munich or Remote)](https://genesis-jobs.personio.de/job/278290)
# Contribute to NixOS Weekly Newsletter
This work would not be possible without the many contributions of the community.
You can help too! Create or comment on the [pull request](https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-weekly/pulls) for the next edition or look at the [issue tracker](https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-weekly/issues) to add other improvements.
Could you give me any advice for how to make the emails come in correctly?
Ryan Mulligan