Hey this is primarily a question for @angus but if anyone has any insight it would be greatly appreciated. I have implemented the topic field from once again, angus’ infamous post and I am running into issue pertaining to replies. The custom topic field I have made is specifically for links pointing to a specific process in an application.
Say I make a post with the link “www.app.com/process/71e33faf-ec88-445e/”
When I go to reply to the post, the custom field appears in the reply composer; populated with the parent post’s url.
When I am writing my response to the post, if I give a different url in the custom field to "www.app.com/process/93466e-db999-e44faf/, after I send the reply, the new url is automatically replaced with the parent post’s url.
Ideally the logic would be that, if the topic field isn’t edited in the response, it is not displayed in the reply header, and if it is edited then it displays the field the same way it does for the parent post (in the header/top of reply)
I have approached this assuming all of the connectors in /assest/connectors/ are linked with the response composer.
Any assistance or insight would be greatly appreciated!