Issues with the /get-users ending point

Seems there are issues the /get-users ending point preventing us from retrieving up to date data

Wondering if there was progress / status update on this issue on when this should start working

Hi, welcome to meta :slight_smile:

Can you clarify what data you are trying to retrieve? /get-users endpoint doesn’t exist, and the link points to /user_actions. It’s unclear to me what data you need. :thinking:


Hey there, we are querying the /admin/users/list/active.json endpoint for active users, and get back a 404 Not Found error consistently. I’m confident the issue isn’t related to an API token or anything, because we can query /user_actions?username=<...> endpoint without issue. I inspected the browser network traffic when on the admin users page and the API call that the discourse app is making looks identical to what we are attempting. Here are the headers we pass to the request (both users/list/active and user_actions:

Accept: application/json
Api-Username: system
Api-Token: <token>
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Hey, welcome Anirudh :slight_smile:

Api-Token doesn’t exist, it should be Api-Key!


Oh amazing, I was using Api-Key in our automated script but in my local testing I used Api-Token :person_facepalming:. Thanks that solved it!

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