Hover preview and quote of the day

Hi there, recently imported from SMF2 - I’m looking to re-implement tow things. Add WoWhead link tooltips (when hovering over a wowhead link, you get a preview of the link (game items, etc.) and we also had an in-line JS script that would load one of the pre-set quote (Quote of the Day, but really just a random quote each time the page load)

For the first one, after adding the script in before /head it doesn’t appear to be working.
I was reading somewhere in a plugin reply saying that all hovers are uniform-ized (sanitized?) So that would make it not work? Is there a workaround? I am only familiar with the basics with HTML :confused:

As for the quote of the day - I am just not sure how or where I can add it. I tried to use Versatile Banner but it seems to only allow HTML/CSS. I don’t think there’s any HTML code that would allow a dynamic load?

I appreciate any tips and tricks :slight_smile:

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Didn’t we have something like this related to WoW at one point @Falco? Wouldn’t you want this as a onebox?

Not sure if we have a “random quote” theme component yet.


I’ll google what onebox is in the meantime :smiley:
The Quote of the Day code is something like this:

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
var quote=new Array()
quote[0]="Say your name.  You all sound the same when you are panicking. - <b>Togalog</b>";
quote[110]="Did you try saran wrap? - <b>Xb</b>";

var Q = quote.length;
var whichQuotation=Math.round(Math.random()*(Q-1));
function showQuotation(){document.write(quote[whichQuotation]);}

// End -->

Close, we did it for HearthStone and Artifact as a proofs of concept:



Nowadays with the improvements @joffreyjaffeux did on the tool tips for Discourse, it should be even easier.


Writing a plugin is probably beyond my skill-set, my IT skill set is in troubleshooting :frowning_face:
I’ll dig in a little bit and see if there’s enough there for me to attempt to duplicate and pull from WoWhead’s database.

As for the random quote of the day, is there a place that I can just add a block of unfiltered JavaScript with the code I pasted?

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I’m thinking I’m gonna use the House Ads function in the ad plugin to do random quote of the day. xD
Will see how that goes.

I know I just necro’d this thread with this response, but I’m looking for EXACTLY what @FireAllianceNX was in terms of the WoWhead tool tips.

If nothing else, I just need a place to put this in the code in the header or start of the discourse install:

<script>const whTooltips = {colorLinks: true, iconizeLinks: true, renameLinks: true};</script>
<script src="https://wow.zamimg.com/widgets/power.js"></script>

Not sure if it’s plugin worthy but please let me know if I can paste that somewhere safe.

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I just tried to add the script to the 'before ’ portion of Admin > Customize > Edit CSS/HTML and to no avail, posting a wowhead link in a post both ways (using hyperlink and raw ) still won’t trigger the tooltip.

Test Post: WoWhead Tooltips Test - The Midnight Exchange

Any ideas?