Journal Plugin

A few points of potential improvements for a possible future v2.0 of the journal plugin. Consider this just spitballing ideas and not actual feature requests. I just wanna hammer them out into the public and see what other users thin.

Better or different comment “engine”

Instead of regular posts, comments (aka replies to journal entries) should work in a similar fashion as in the post voting plugin. Gotta reference big brother Facebook here, where posting comment experience is the best example.

The question is whether those comments are counted into user activityor should even be counted in the first place.

That way also the timeline won’t be as buggy as only topic owner posts will be counted towards it.

Spec suggestion/draft:

  • Post voting comment “engine”
  • Comments don’t count towards activity (possible plugin setting on/off)
  • display half size user avatar and username next to comments (but hide avatar flair)

Shared journals (rather a nice-to have)

This is rather a stretch and not super crucial. But we had some users requesting journal topics whereas you basically have two topic owners. Question is how feasible it is in the first place?

Spec ideas:

  • topic owner can add co-authors
  • co-author can make new journal entry
  • (if feasible) topic owner and co-author avatar displayed stacked over each other in topic list
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