Journal Plugin

Could you be more specific on this front? You think it should be identical?

Note that the Post Voting plugin was originally the Question Answer Plugin, which the Journal Plugin was a spun out of (see further). Bringing this one up to speed with the commenting changes in Post Voting is doable.

Interesting. Not sure if that’s an issue with this plugin or the post menu itself, but yes that’d need to be resolved. Is that mobile or desktop? What browser is it?

hm, interesting system you have going there. The answer will depend on how you’ve set up this automated topic splitting system. Entries are distinguished from Comments on the basis of whether the post has a reply_to_post_number, i.e.

entries = posts.where(reply_to_post_number: nil)
comments = posts.where.not(reply_to_post_number: nil)

So you could tweak your topic splitting algorithm to take that into account.

To turn a Comment into an Entry remove its reply_to_post_number value.

hm not quite sure what you mean here, but hopefully my explanation of the distinction between entries and comments will give you the answer.

Yes, the “topic entry” and timeline UX would need to be improved.

Working to do list

  • Improve comment UX
  • Improve topic entry and timeline UX
  • Add full suites of frontend and backend tests
  • Resolve UX conflicts with other widely used plugins and core.