Just would like to learn why discourse, but not nodebb as a dev? most forums I visit use discourse, few nodebb,

Understand that discourse has lots of plugins, while nodebb has ok amount.
as someone would like to start a bbs now. would like to learn discourse dev advices. Thank you.
(Yes. This question seem too general maybe, feel free to share anything.)

You probably won’t need to do too much. Some basic Ruby knowledge (which I lack) will probably help to gain an understanding of how Discourse works. I suppose the rest is just lots of tedious configuration when setting up, but once you get it working, things run more smoothly from there.

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NodeBB better be good! :sweat_smile:

(caveat: lazy take, not done a feature for feature comparison … but please go right ahead if it interests you and share your thoughts here …)

Developer take: I love programming on the Discourse platform :heart: CDCK place a huge emphasis on extensibility and customisation capability (taking into account people with different skill levels) and the community is fantastic :heart: :people_holding_hands: :dancing_women:

Credit to both platforms for being open source :+1:


As you points out both are open source, we can host it where fits our budget with expected performance.
In my knowledge, node/javaScript should performance better than ruby (in general, given that both run the same algorithm on the same hardware)
At the same time, all the NodeBB sites and all the Discourse sites that I visit provide good speed. (although NodeBB sites seems a bit faster without any insights of their servers).
On the other hand, Discourse sites give me the impression of a lot of plugins/themes available, which should set me up for a good start.
I asked Devs about the plugins situation to learn more ecosystem of Discourse, and how it is “better” than NodeBB to help me finalize my choice.

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Ruby is a fantastic programming language, and quite similar to Javascript in some ways.

It is not the fastest language, but a pleasure to programme in (as is Javascript imho), and more than fast and frugal enough - note how you can run Discourse on 1GB.

I’m not sure there is a clear answer here.

Why don’t you write a similar plugin for both platforms to help you determine which one you prefer?

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