Latest rebuild broken

No, those are the same. Stable is a 2.3.x release until 2.4.x is out of beta.

This was (as far as I can remember) the first time when stable was broken (for a longer amount of time) and tests-passed was not .

Most external packages are pinned to a specific version or release using the Gemfile.lock mechanism though. Rubygems is really more like an exception here.

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What Iā€™m saying is that with any production software, I donā€™t want to run x.0 version in production. No one would use PostgreSQL 13.0 or Node 14.0.0 or macOS 10.16.0 right? We just always wait at least till x.x.2, x.x.3 version gets released, right?

This is not possible with Discourse, except possibly with a git commit id, but that is probably end up being broken the longer we are away from the commits time.

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Iā€™m closing this topic now since the issue in the OP has been resolved.

If you have any other issues, then please create separate topics for them.