We use ConvertBox (CB) to capture leads on our Wordpress site.
No extra code is required because CB uses Google Tag Manager (GTM).
Basically, a lead capture form pops up on the side, top, bottom or full page - to capture users’ details.
I have GTM already installed in the community, and I wanted to know if it is possible for GTM to trigger the convert box popups in discourse?
Logically, it’s the same GTM code that loads on discourse pages, but it doesn’t seem to work on discourse.
The code installed in GTM looks like
<script type="text/javascript">!function(e,t){(e=t.createElement("script")).src="https://cdn.convertbox.com/convertbox/js/embed.js",e.id="app-convertbox-script",e.async=true,e.dataset.uuid="08c8c512-3a41-4a7a-a08c-33409840e8f2",document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(e)}(window,document);</script>
I would really appreciate if you guys can help.