Left side hamburger menu on mobile

Thanks @benji & @featheredtoast

Still exhibiting some weird behaviour, unfortunately

With Left side hamburger menu on mobile turned off:

With it turned on:

Note the position of chat icon…

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Ahh got it, the icon wasn’t getting assigned to its designated area. Updated again!

Unfortunately, it’s still not playing ball. New screenshot with the latest version of Left side hamburger menu on mobile turned on:

Made a PR to fix the of problem of login button not inline with other header buttons when user is not logged in.



@fokx awesome thank you! that particular line is also where a bunch of the pending changes have been set up so I pulled in your changes separately outside of the PR.

@Robin.Grant I’ve updated the theme to better align custom header icons - give this one a whirl


Awesome! - thanks @featheredtoast - seems to be working perfectly!

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