Let’s Encrypt expired due to port 80 being blocked


our Let’s Encrypt expired this morning and the website is showing error note (not private)
please advise how i can renew it again, i made some searches here but i couldn’t understand anything.

And i found the reason that we blocked the HTTP connection this is why, so please help.
we use digital ocean


Unblock HTTP and rebuild, shutting down :80 isn’t supported. It’s used to verify the request for the certificate and once the certificate is issued it’s responsible for redirecting users to HTTPS. NGINX listens on both ports, so shutting :80 down doesn’t make the machine more secure.

You can’t issue a certificate via Let’s Encrypt with port 80 blocked.


Fixed, Thanks a lot.

It should be noted that if you don’t block the port the certificate will be automatically renewed, instead of expiring like it did this time around.


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