While having some issues getting an email to send, I had to edit the app.yml file and rebuild, it seems this has caused Letsencrypt to issue a new cert each time, should I have commented out the lines in app.yml after the first re-build or is there something else I’ve missed here?
My site is now completely inaccessible on mobile, Non secure server and shows the register screen on laptop but won’t allow me to go any further than this page https://vapingcommunity.co.uk/finish-installation/register giving the error - This site can’t be reached
Seems to be working when I force http or use the IP but then it quickly wants to go back to https and use the domain, the email is still not being sent.
I guess what I need to know is, if I am going to be rebuilding while trying to fix the email issue, should I not have Letsencrypt in the app.yml?