Lightboxed images do not have `vertical-align` set, misaligning them with naked `img`s

Priority/Severity: Low.
Platform: Confirmed in Firefox 127.0 on Windows 10 and Chrome 125.0.6422.165 on Android 14.
Description: See below.
Reproducible steps: Place two images, one with a resolution of above 690×500 pixels (in either dimension) and one with a resolution below, on the same line.

Expected behavior

Lightboxed images and naked imgs should be treated the same way by CSS, bar all the extra bells and whistles of a lightbox.

The issue

Discourse’s built-in CSS has vertical-align: middle set for img, but not for .lightbox-wrapper, resulting in lightboxed and non-lightboxed images on the same line being out of alignment and taking up unnecessary vertical space:

The solution

The fix is simple: Add vertical-align: middle to .lightbox-wrapper as well.


Thanks for the detailed report! A fix has been applied here:

and will be available in Discourse updates soon


Wonderful! Thanks a bundle and a half! :blush:

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