Likes count in user summary

I built a Python script to like topics/posts, and it works great, looping through multiple users and everything works fine. I can see the likes on each post from different users even after a hard refresh, just as if it were a real like.

However, the issue is that I can’t see the increase in the “Likes Given” section of the user’s summary. What could be the potential issue?

Could it be due to the script, or is it something that doesn’t update the count there, done by the APIs (which I highly doubt, since the number of likes increases smoothly on a post)?

Or does it just take a while to update the count in the user’s summary?

PS: This script is just for testing purpose and not intended to work in real community

Edit 1: I tried doing it manually too but it did not update the count in summary.

It rendered the likes count after a while and it’s now working great.

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