Loading slider issues


The loading slider has some issues, what I noticed up to now.

  1. Sometimes it keeps the previous page scroll position. I am not sure what cause this. I reported it before with Docs: Horizontal loading slider - #107 by dodesz
    It happens lots of places for example on user pages…

  2. On user page for example the Locations Plugin address not refresh when I jump from a user to another like above. I think this is because slider don’t make a full refresh maybe. It seems the core information changes right so maybe the third party plugins need some change to work this?

  3. On homepage clicking the logo seems do nothing. Sometimes the slider activates maybe if there is a new or updated topic but clicking on logo keeps is not jumping to top. I think it should refresh the topic list and jump to top always if I click logo.

  4. On user page when I jump between user navigation the current page empty statement message show up.

  5. Similar issue happens with Discourse Who’s Online plugin online indicator. When I go back to a user who online, than the indicator shows up on the current user profile.

Thank you!


That was also reported here Clicking home page logo no longer takes you to top of the page


Thanks for the reports @Don

Can you share a link to a site which shows this issue? I tried installing the plugin locally but couldn’t immediately figure out how to show data on the user profile :thinking:

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We run the locations plugin on our Discourse too, if that helps?

We’re getting some really strange new-post loading / notifications issues since updating last week too, I’ll document these in another post soon.


Thanks @Don and @Richie - this should solve the issue for the locations plugin: DEV: Automatically re-render widget when arguments change by davidtaylorhq · Pull Request #22548 · discourse/discourse · GitHub


Just great when someone solves my issues for me ;). thanks David! :smiley:

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Gonna split out this topic so we can keep track of the different issues more easily:

  1. Same issue as (3) - will track in other topic

  2. Should be fixed by DEV: Automatically re-render widget when arguments change by davidtaylorhq · Pull Request #22548 · discourse/discourse · GitHub

  3. Tracking in other topic

  4. Split into Split-second 'empty state' UI when navigating between user activity tabs

  5. Split into Split-second online indicator on wrong user when navigating between profiles


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