Locations Plugin

do we have any chance to have this feature request out of the waitlist after one year? Thanks!

Hi @C_X as already stated, this is a (currently free) Pavilion plugin.

All new features need to be sponsored.

If you have budget you could hire me to build it for you.

Alternatively, you could PR and I will review.

Thanks for your interest.

oh thanks @merefield ! sry I was not able to go through the whole thread to comprehend how things work here.

But yeah understood this is some feature up to sponsorship. I’ll reach out when I get to there.

Thanks in advance!


Hi @merefield, I’m seeing the following admin notice since upgrading to the latest Discourse version:

[Admin Notice] One of your themes or plugins needs updating for compatibility with upcoming Discourse core changes. (id:discourse.fontawesome-6-upgrade)

@Arkshine mentioned here

that this might be related to the Locations Plugin and that map-marker-alt needs to be updated to location-dot.

So I’m bringing this up here. :wink:


Feel free to submit a PR.

I will make a PR, Robert. :+1:

There are others deprecations to fix, and also one error I encountered, but for font awesome deprecation, here we go:



I’m having a problem loading the map when I switch from one map to another.

Each map is in a different category

If I change category by category page or by complete URL, everything is OK

The problem occurs if I go through the sidebar.
The sidebar uses a partial URL:

Do you have a solution?

Thanks for your great plugin!

Problem encountered here:

categories with map:

how did u got this working with launcher i am getting error as this thread
bundle exec rake db:migrate’ failed with return

Looks like an extensive fix for this awesome plugin is in the pipeline:

Thanks again @merefield for the time and energy you put into maintaining this highly valuable addition to the Discourse ecosystem.