Login troubles from Android?

I am not able to login (discourse.peacefulscience.org) from my Android phone, either directly or using the Discourse App. I tried clearing cookies and reinstalled the App, but no go.
I can access the forum normally from PC and Chromebook, so I’m not sure what is going on?



However when I try with changing to HTTPS it still has connection issue.


Both will onebox. So presume maybe an issue with site cert maybe?


It’s on our hosting and everything appears to be ok on our end although I don’t have an Android device to test.


I tried Firefox focus an anonymous browser. With no luck.(Android)

I just get a.connection reset error right away.

Chrome suggests internet might not be available. Error connection reset


Phone Google Pixel 8 up-to-date.

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Hello :wave:

I can signup and login (I try to login with passkey too) without any problem in browser and DiscourseHub app. Android 10, Chrome 127.0.6533.103.

However the Google Login gives me an error.
The OAuth client was deleted.

I didn’t check the other external logins.


Do you have a very old android device? One guys is that your root certs are too old so the new ones are not recognized.

What version of the os do you have? Can it be updated?


My Pixel 8 has only just had the pixel 9 released.

Android 14


Android 13 (using Chrome) here, site seems to work fine for me.


Everything looks good from here. SSL Labs shows Android all the way back to 4.4.2 should be able to connect to the site:

Does it work if you turn off WiFi? Does it fail again if you turn it back on?

This kind of looks like protocol interference on the client side, possibly by your ISP or something on your phone for some reason. I’d be happy to diagnose it further but we’d need additional information and a bit of back and forth.


Thanks for all the response everyone! :slight_smile:

I checked for “httpS” and I still have the trouble. I can login here on Meta just fine.

Pixel 6 on Android 14

Can root certs be updated??

Good question! testing …

AND it’s working with WiFi off (just really slow because of weak signal inside my office building). I had the same login trouble at home, so it seems to be my phone that is the issue.

It seems if I can login here I should be able to login at my own site, but I don’t really understand the cause or the solution?

This isn’t the problem here.

OK, let’s keep doing the differential.

  • wifi (office): fails
  • cell (office): works
  • ? (home): works? fails?

Let’s be very specific: what exactly is the “login trouble”? Is it the same “can’t provide a secure connection” message? I’d refer to this as a “SSL connection failure” since you can’t even attempt a login.

Do you also get that at home? Is it the exact same?

Presumably “at home” you mean on wifi, so does this mean you get the same behaviour:

  • at home, on wifi: fails with “can’t provide a secure connection”
  • at home, on cell: works

It’s important to clearly establish how it’s failing before we start guessing at solutions; we’re still gathering information here.

Does it work via wifi on an independent wifi network?
Do you have a VPN (corporate or otherwise) enabled on your phone?
What does https://clienttest.ssllabs.com:8443/ssltest/viewMyClient.html show from your phone in each situation?

Since this is only happening with your domain name, my guess is you have some sort of HTTP or DNS filtering happening on your client (possibly on your phone, on your home network, or on your work network).

If I punch in your site address into the first URL checker I find, I see it’s listed in a few databases:

Clicking through to the Fortinet page shows they have it listed:

Are you using one of these products at work, home, or on your device?


If it works on his own phone network and not on his corporate WIFI, then I blame the corporate wifi. If you have IT people, I’d ask them to see if they can log in.

Does it work on your laptop on the work wifi?

Oops. I missed that. I was going on this:


Yeah, exactly, there’s a lot of clarification that needs to happen here around:


Wow, thanks for all that. I’m not at home so I can’t verify all this right now, but I’m pretty sure it is the same. Will confirm this evening.
No VPN on my phone.

What does https://clienttest.ssllabs.com:8443/ssltest/viewMyClient.html show from your phone in each situation?

OK, I’ll need to get to you back on testing my phone when I more time and a better connection.

Our site being tagged as Phishing is a problem. I have contacted the owner, and I’ll follow up on that too.

I was at work last night. In their wifi. Today home wifi is working. So might be an issue with the wifi network like you suggested.

Home wifi is working. Though I think he mentioned a Chromebook works?

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Yes, Chromebook works as it should on WiFi.

Phone fails on Home WiFi

OK then, SSL connection failure it is. Exactly the same on home WiFi.

I am not using any of those products.

From home, with or without WiFi, I see a lot of
“Your user agent is not vulnerable.”

Could not test from work today due to other network difficulties.

This may help get to the root cause. Though in theory I should have the same connection issue on my phone in home wifi. For me it connected fine at home

Can you connect when on mobile data?

If not might be phone inet security settings or a browser plugin maybe…

Yes I can connect on mobile. That may have to be my short term work around.

A strange thing happened just now, I briefly had a working connection on WiFi (browser and app), then when I tried to reload it gave me the SSL error again.