Long links break the click tracker

Hi @yousef, please notice that it does not work now: your URL is cut off at 500th character and may not display the intended result — a wontfix bug.

Actually, are we lucky?
My new post here has your link working with all its 853 characters!
Only older posts are still broken, maybe.
That’s super great if my bug is fixed now! I will try at once.

Sorry I test here as it is not fixed on our forumsLog In - MusicBrainz (1400 characters).

Actually it is not fixed in my case. I wonder why it now works with 853 characters (which is more than 500) but not 1400.

Work‐around (with Opera presto and Vivaldi, at least): Mouse‐wheel‐click all the links to bypass any javascript (like click tracker).

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