Managing feedback & suggestions

As expected, we’re getting a ton of great feedback and suggestions from our community. We’re currently using tags to keep it organized. We also turned off the voting feature because folks were getting it confused with the heart “like” feature (they weren’t sure in what instance to use which one).

Curious to hear how others are managing their customer feedback on the forum. Are you using the voting system, tags, both, or something else?


Mostly we try to keep feedback in the default category “Site Feedback” that is pre-installed on every Discourse instance.

Then you could search / sort by likes in that category to see which open topic feedback is the most popular, and close the topics that have been resolved.


Hi @ArcticF0xx, I know this post is old but I found it when searching for a solution. We have the feedback section in our community. But we prioritize the feedback by views and likes. Because I assume not everyone will like something when they find it, but that if people are viewing a feature, they likely searched for it in google looking if our products have that.

I hope that is helpful!


Hi @Suzie_Ring, this is very helpful. Thank you for sharing!