Many issues with Discourse after upgrading to 3.4.0.beta3

Hi everyone,

We’ve been having many issues after recently upgrading Discourse to 3.4.0.beta3

This is our community:

If we could receive guidance on how to fix these issues, that would be great!

Here are some things we’ve noticed:

  1. Users when trying to sign-in to Discourse get a 403 error
  2. Embedded objects now have a white halo around them
  3. Upvotes for some users don’t work, they get reversed and this error pops up (That reaction was created too long ago. It can no longer be modified or removed.)
  4. Clicking on posts or notifications does not remove them from the notification list after you refresh the page, it’s as if you never clicked on them
  5. User’s can’t reply to posts, getting a 403 error
  6. For some users, images cannot be uploaded, getting this error “Sorry, there was an error uploading Causes of hematuria.png. Please try again.”

For issue 2 ([12.30.2024] Spelling/Grammar, AnKing Step Deck/AnKingMed, ID 2724313 - Change Note Suggestions - AnkiHub Community):

Is there a way to revert an upgrade? Is this a known issue?

Thank you all in advance❤️

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We updated Discourse again and most of these issues have now been fixed!