Hi everyone,
We’ve been having many issues after recently upgrading Discourse to 3.4.0.beta3
This is our community: https://community.ankihub.net/
If we could receive guidance on how to fix these issues, that would be great!
Here are some things we’ve noticed:
- Users when trying to sign-in to Discourse get a 403 error
- Embedded objects now have a white halo around them
- Upvotes for some users don’t work, they get reversed and this error pops up (That reaction was created too long ago. It can no longer be modified or removed.)
- Clicking on posts or notifications does not remove them from the notification list after you refresh the page, it’s as if you never clicked on them
- User’s can’t reply to posts, getting a 403 error
- For some users, images cannot be uploaded, getting this error “Sorry, there was an error uploading Causes of hematuria.png. Please try again.”
For issue 2 ([12.30.2024] Spelling/Grammar, AnKing Step Deck/AnKingMed, ID 2724313 - Change Note Suggestions - AnkiHub Community):
Is there a way to revert an upgrade? Is this a known issue?
Thank you all in advance❤️