Many pages unindexed by Google

I am running a website in Discourse.

I am currently having two problems with things related to SEO. I am looking for a developer to help me solve these. If anyone is interested, please write to me.

Google Search Console is no longer indexing 30,000 pages out of 50,000 pages. 12,000 of the 30,000 pages are due to canonical tags. The solution to this problem was found in Discourse Meta as follows

Also, 10,000 of the 30,000 pages were “excluded by the no index tag” and the solution for that is as follows in the Discourse Meta. However, I have set it up as shown here, but 10,000 pages are still not indexed.

I am looking for a developer who can solve these problems.

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You should try Marketplace


OK, thanks!

Hey there, can you share some of the examples of URLs of these pages that are not indexed?

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Thank you. I will send you a message.

Please post them here. It’s public information, and the problem you’re trying to solve is that these URLs are not being shared publicly but you want them to be.


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