Interesting that you like whispered posts to be solved, making them visible. What is your use case? Why not just create a new reply with the answer and make that the solution?
Anyhoo, yes, you have it right. This was reported as a bug and fixed a while back. Take a look at:
ah, that explains it.
For whatever reason whispers marked as solved were not publicly visible… as far as I know… Possible from another plugin that someone put on our site? It’s also possible that no one realized posts were made visible from this
We use discourse as a support forum. If a solution contains sensitive customer information but we still want to be able to sort on solved and unsolved topics, this was helpful to have.
Making a ‘bug’ part of the workflow does seem silly to me. I’ve been dealing with finding what all the small ramifications are to this massive update for weeks at this point -_-
You might want to go back and check those topics that had whispers as solutions, maybe also in incognito mode or logged in as non-staff user - not sure if fixing the bug also fixed existing topics.
As you find and learn about updates to the software since your recent update, I suggest you use the keyword search here on meta - you will find many of your questions have already been answered by others.