Mass close topics?

Is mass close topics available?
If not, I would recommend to add this option.

To the right of the Topic header there’s a list icon. Click on that, select the topics you want to close, click the wrench on the right-hand side of the screen, and close the topics. :wink:


I mean, we have posts from 2008, and we would like to close all topics before 2015 let’s say, I won’t stay 1 day on selecting all that man! :smiley:

See here

PS: In support requests you should be a bit more specific


There is a setting to autoclose topics at a certain post count. And a warn user if topic is older than setting. An “autoclose after nnn days” wouldn’t be a bad idea.

At the Category level, there are

  • close topics after n (topic creation time)
  • close topics n after last reply (last post time)

I don’t know how it works with imported topics, but because importing topics is rarely done, IMHO there isn’t a critical need for a “close retro” Setting and a CLI command should suffice.

YES! Thank you Joe for visualizing this process. I was lost in a Discourse I inherited and this was the missing workflow for cleaning up.

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