Membership area paid members

can the discourse manage a paid members lets say of we will implement memberships on the site? then on the certain level they can access a certain area on the discussion of they are paid already?

we are planning to put up a premium community site and discourse is one of the choices

Discourse doesn’t include any way to collect money from members, so you have to manage that yourself.

Having said that we support invite only forums. Or you can do semi-public, where secure categories are only available to members of certain groups. So you can definitely choose to offer content to only certain members.


Just as a rough idea:

  1. Build or install a web app that manages subscriptions and receives payments.
  2. Design or extend your app to use Discourse SSO for user authentication.
  3. When subscriptions begin and end, use the Discourse API to update the user’s group memberships.

While you can install any ol’ web shop, extending it to work with Discourse might be a non-trivial effort. Get ready to spend a lot of time learning a programming language and framework or to spend a low four-digit sum to hire a programmer.


Good news for you on this - Memberful just announced Discourse integration for paid members.

It does exactly what @elberet laid out above, from what I can see.


I saw that already but unfortunately STRIPE is not yet available in our country and they don’t offer other payment gateway :frowning:

Now you can implement paid membership with my Discourse «Paid Membership» plugin.
It uses PayPal payment gateway, so a forum user can pay his membership using PayPal account or a credit card (PayPay supports credit card payments without PayPal account).

If PayPal is not availalbe or preferable payment method in your country or forum audience, I can implement additional payment gateways, specific to your country or forum audience.