Mention suggestion list box in the rtl website in wrong place

as you can see in this picture, it is out of the window and I cant see anything.

perhaps it is related to this merge request:



To reproduce the issue regarding the placement of the mention suggestion list box in a right-to-left (RTL) layout on Discourse, you can follow these steps:

Priority/Severity: Medium - This bug affects the user interface and user experience, especially for users in RTL languages. It does not break functionality but can cause difficulties in usage.

Platform: Tested on a desktop, OS: Windows 10, Browser: Google Chrome.

Description: In Discourse, when an RTL language is enabled and a user tries to mention another user (by typing β€˜@’ followed by the beginning of a username), the suggestion list box appears out of the viewable window area. This issue makes it impossible for users to see the list of username suggestions.

Reproducible Steps:

  1. Setup Discourse in an RTL language setting. (You can set this up from Admin settings.)
  2. Login as a test user.
  3. Navigate to any topic where you can leave a comment.
  4. Start typing a new post or a reply and attempt to mention another user (type β€˜@’ followed by the beginning of a username).
  5. Observe the location of the mention suggestion list box that appears.

I am able to repro after upgrading my 5 days old instance today so this is likely linked to a recent commit :+1:


Thanks for reporting this bug @hosna! It’s indeed a recent regression and this PR will fix it: