Allow bypassing min post length for certain groups or trust levels

Idea: Allow some groups or trust levels or admins to bypass limits such as min post length, min personal message post length, body min entropy, etc.

We’ve found that we like the limits for everybody except our stakeholders, who often want to build the relationship with users by responding with more than just clicking the heart, but all it requires is “Thanks” or “Success!” or something like that. We don’t want to lower the limits that far for everybody else, but apparently(?) there’s no way even for admins to bypass these limits.


6 posts were split to a new topic: How to disable minimum post length

Yes, it would be great if this feature came. Our aim is to prevent spam and poor quality content from random users. But mods and admins also adhere to this rule when posting important posts. It would be great if we could change that.

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An important post with under 20 or what ever characters :thinking:

Well, I have such calm forum that I don’t need be afraid of very short spams, and our culture doesn’t do small talk and sometimes quite simple no or yes is a valid post, I’m using one chars limit.

I know that isn’t the situation everywhere but I strongly doubt if that limit stops spams or makes better qualitys posts.

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One trick is to write a line of asterisks, which automatically turns into an almost invisible line but counts towards the character limit:

20 asterisks:

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Something we do on a private topic for Regulars, Leaders and staff us that we can just use a HTML tag. We discourage bypassing the limit on topics except that one.