Mint Theme

Hey! Thanks so much for the awesome theme!

I had a couple of quick questions about the category images and descriptions. At the moment the images are showing up quite small on the home page:

But they’re showing as normal size in the category edit settings:

Is there a way to maximise the size within the category box on the homepage?

Additionally, on the category page, is there a way to remove the image and/or description from the top of the page? Currently it looks like this:

Thank you so much in advance!


I have an issue on mobile, where the search in the banner is not shown. Does anyone know how to fix that?

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@meghna Great theme! smooth and clean. Thanks for developing it!

Search bar is not showing on mobile and there is a rectangle around it on PC. Also, can’t find a custom CSS section to edit CSS. any suggestions/fix?

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Thanks a lot for the theme.

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This is by design. Search banner is not suited for mobile view.

Thank you! :blush:

As mentioned above search banner is intentionally disabled on mobile. I have fixed the search border issue via:


Hi folks,

Not sure if it was a change at some point or I’m just noticing it now because I’m branding the theme for myself. I noticed that the box shadow for the ‘more’ button is quite soft and fuzzy, especially when compared to the box shadow that exists for other buttons in the theme, such as new topic


New Topic:

This theme is usually really consistent with its elements so it struck me as odd. I’m going to fix it in my version, but wanted to bring it up here.

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Gorgeous!!! Love it!!!

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Fixed in:

Thanks for bringing it to my notice :+1:

Is it possible to change the following:

  • some default button colors are weird when selected (not matching the theme colors)
  • default background (not of the search banner but of the full page)

Hello Meghna, this theme has some bug :bug: with this component (Showcased Categories).
Check this report: Showcased Categories - #45 by SidV

The “Post” button not showing up on “showcased categories” is an intentional design decision as per this code:

You can either fork the theme and make customizations as per your requirement or add a new theme component to enable post button by adding this CSS:

.custom-homepage-columns .col .header-wrapper .btn-primary {
  display: block;
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I have this same problem. Is there a fix to this?

Kind regards

The profile page layout appears to be a bit broken (vs the stock dark theme):

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Color Palette Editor does also look a bit funny.

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Hi all. This is my first experience working with Discourse and servers in general. Tell me how to change the text on the banner, preferably in detail, otherwise I’m stupid =)

Welcome! :wave:

There is a theme component installed automatically with this theme.

It’s called Search Banner.

Usually theme components has settings or translations that you can change. To do so:

  1. Go to Admin
  2. Click on Themes
  3. Click on Components and look for Discourse Search Banner component:
  4. If you scroll down in the right panel, you will the translations. You can change them here:

If you are new to theme, I recommend reading the Beginner’s guide to using Discourse Themes!

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Wow, turns out it’s so simple. Thanks a lot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Is it possible to change this green theme?

  1. There is an extra space above the big block search - need it gone / if I click “recent” the space goes away - is this a bug?

  2. How can I change the big green block to something of my brand / blueish

  3. How can I make the header (Where the logo is) dark and so the logo will be the light version?

In the theme settings, you can edit the color palette:

I’m unsure why there is this CSS. You can overwrite it in a theme component:

.navigation-categories .search-banner {
  padding: 0
  margin: 0;
  height: auto

This is how the theme uses CSS for that specific banner.
You can adjust it to your needs.

.custom-search-banner-wrap {
  background: linear-gradient(
    var(--tertiary-medium) 0%,
    var(--tertiary) 100%

Useful links:

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