Mint Theme

This code didn’t work.

It does work on my side. Maybe it misses a height: auto, though.

Here is what I did. I created a theme component attached to the theme.

Inserted the CSS:

Then, the result:

You can see the custom CSS in the console:

Do you miss something in these steps?

That worked like a charm! Thank you so much!

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It worked - does the custom CSS work throughout header etc etc etc? or would I need something specific for that?

WHERE is this box color coming from? I was able to “: none;” the circle on the other side…

This is the related CSS:

I think you can do the following:

  background: none;
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Worked like a charm! Thanks!

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Hi, I really like this theme, but the native mobile view looks horrible. If I manually switch the view to desktop in mobile, it does a perfect job of auto sizing to fit the device. I’m pretty new to discourse and unsure if this mobile view is a standard thing. Can I edit anything to make the theme look good on mobile. Thank you

Is it possible to change the text color within the search banner?


You can create a new theme component, attach it to your theme, and add the following CSS:

.custom-search-banner-wrap {
    h1 {
        color: blue; /* headline*/
        &+p {
            color: red; /* subhead */
    .search-menu { {
            .d-icon {
                color: orange;  /* search button icon */
            .d-button-label {
                color: orange;  /* search button text */

Does it help?

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