Miro integration

We are using Miro for visual collaboration. Does discourse have plans to integrate with Miro?
Miro is a great for brainstorming ideas


Miro is a great tool!

Iā€™ve used it with many groups in the past.

We donā€™t have any current plans to build a direct integration with Miro. Do you have anything in particular in mind?

One thing that Iā€™ve found useful in the past when using Miro alongside Discourse is to export frames from Miro as images and include them in topics. At times Iā€™ve also made those images hyperlinks back to that frame (if I know everyone or most people have access to the board).

Another thing I recall doing is copying bullet lists from Discourse into Miro to great a list of sticky notes in Miro. I might have had to use Google Sheets as an intermediate to make that work. Itā€™s been a little whileā€¦


Miro is definitely a good and useful tool and it would be nice to get it integrated somehow into Discourse. But is has one big disadvantage: it is a commercial SaaS service and ā€œclosed sourceā€.

I would prefer to integrate an open source solution instead, something like

This fits better into the discourse ecosystem as open source software, although it is currently just an ā€œofflineā€ application (bis this may change). Code:

This looks like a very promising way to tackle this from the open source / self hosting side of things.

It is web-based and looks like it could be configured to use a Discourse instance for OIDC authorisation with something like this:

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Things have moved on a little bit - here is another promising looking open source (mostly) alternative which allows self-hosting: