Missing workbox directory in public/javascript?

Hey there,

while hunting down some weird outages that we see on our forums, I was also checking the nginx logs within the app container. I haven’t checked them for a while now so I can’t say if those are there for longer but I see errors regarding missing Javascript files in a directory that doesn’t at all exist on my installation.


These are just some examples. I couldn’t find the on the github either and was wondering what causes these issues. I’d feel more comfortable with error logs not being spammed :slight_smile:

Any idea?

EDIT: I’m running 3.2.0.beta1 btw and I can also see those missing files in the browsers console…

Workbox appears to have to do with caching, I think.

How recently did you upgrade? There could be some bug around it, but I think we might need more information

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I’ve only updated the day before I posted.

To my reasearch workbox seems to have to do with PWA and be looked for with Chrome/Chromium browsers.

What more information do you need?

We’re still seeing this 9 months later and still I can’t find much about it. Not sure if just no one looks at their nginx error logs or just don’t care about it.

Anyone with an idea what’s going on and if this might cause issues or not?

I’m hunting down some 520/429 issues that don’t seem to directly relate to that but still bugs me to see these errors again and again. Might this be some cloudflare issues still trying to load old files from previous builds? Or browser caches?

Given that workbox was dropped as a dependency 2 months ago and this is not a problem that affects sites up to date, I recommend updating your site.

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I’m on 3.3.0beta2 - I don’t think there’s anything I can update to.