Moving to Another VPS Provider

Sorry for these never ending problems and questions but I couldn’t make this work. Setup files are in the new server and ı am getting this error:

Checking your domain name . . .
WARNING: Port 443 of computer does not appear to be accessible using hostname:
WARNING: Connection to (port 80) also fails.

This suggests that resolves to some IP address that does not reach this
machine where you are installing discourse.

The first thing to do is confirm that resolves to the IP address of this server.
You usually do this at the same place you purchased the domain.

If you are sure that the IP address resolves correctly, it could be a firewall issue.
A web search for “open ports YOUR CLOUD SERVICE” might help.

Trying to learn whether this might a server firewall related issue. But “ufw status” command returns an “inactive” response.