Multiple installs of user portfolio

Okay, so, I went in different direction from trying to use the portfolio plugins. Not sure whether I should post this here or in a new thread - if so please let me know!

Is someone able take a look at this and tell me what I am doing wrong (and hopefully why / how to fix it)? I’ve spent hours upon hours reading tutorials, writing and making edits to this, but I am very much a beginner and I have come to a point where I’m not sure about what to try next.

The goal: display a list of topics from a specific category on a user’s summary page.
In this use case, it is for an RPG forum where users will create characters to post stories with. I want this plugin to show what characters a user has created so nobody has to dig too far for them. All of the character sheets will be stored in the same forum. So, I figure I just have to create a topic list that gets topics from the correct user and the correct forum.

I have been using the following as reference:

Here is my attempt. So far, the topic list header (topic/replies/activity) is showing up in the correct place, but it’s not populating with topics.

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
  const ajax = require('discourse/lib/ajax').ajax;
  const Topic = require('discourse/models/topic').default;
  const User = require('discourse/models/user').default;
  // Need ajax, Topic, and User

  api.registerConnectorClass('above-user-summary-stats', 'character-list', {
    // above-user-summary-stats is the plugin outlet, character-list is custom component name

    setupComponents(args, component) {

        const store = getOwner(this).lookup("service:store");

        return ajax(userPath(`/topics/created-by/${this.username_lower}.json`)).then(function (result) {
        // lines taken from summary() in user.js model; trying to find the username of the user profile we are viewing so we can access the json of the topics they have created

            let characterList = [];
            // empty array to push topics into

            // topics only from the specific category we want

            // around here kris's tutorial had some lines to associate users with the topic. I ignored it because I don't need users aside from the original poster to be displayed with the topic. Is this important?
                //poster.user = $.grep(featuredUsers, function(e){ return == poster.user_id; })[0];

                // add topics to the topic list


            component.set('characterList', characterList);
            // Set up our component with the topics from the array

        }); // end ajax

    } // end setupComponents


<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="/connectors/above-user-summary-stats/character-list">

      <div class="custom-character-list-wrapper">
        {{topic-list topics=characterList showPosters=false}}
