[PAID] Add features to user portfolio theme component: Multiple portfolios, more than one category

What would you like done?

We are seeking to implement 2 features to the official user-portfolio theme component:

  1. The possibility to add more than one portfolio to be used to generate the user portfolio
  2. Create multiple user portfolios and add option to include/exclude certain groups from specific portfolios

Use case: We would like to have two portfolios in our forum:

  • Portfolio 1: User diaries from category A and B for all users except b2b-group
  • Portfolio 2: Products from category C and D only for b2b-group users

When do you need it done?

Until August 2024

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?

Depends on the complexity of the job, we can also work with partial implementation to first go with the “low hanging fruit” whatever is the easiest to implement.


Sending a PM. :slight_smile:

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