I have followed these instructions to create a Block BBCode markdown extension for Discourse.
The plugin works when previewing and editing a topic. However, when I actually post the Topic, the raw BBCode mark up appears in the post completely unprocessed.
Is there something I need to do to make sure the plugin operates on posted topics?
I have the same problem when trying to override the fence renderer (md.renderer.rules.fence) — it works in the preview window, but the default Discourse render is shown after submission.
Here is the code:
export function setup(helper) {
if (!helper.markdownIt) return;
helper.allowList(['div.embedded_workflow', 'div.embedded_tip']);
helper.registerPlugin((md) => {
md.renderer.rules.fence = function (tokens, idx, options, env, slf) {
let content = tokens[idx].content;
return '<div class="embedded_workflow">' +
'<div class="embedded_tip">Copy and paste this code into n8n to play with the workflow</div>' +
tokens[idx].content +
You can also see the full plugin structure here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!